Strategies for Building

Richard Ghilarducci Lists The Conflict Management And Resolution Skills Required By Business Leaders


Leading an organization is not an easy task. Apart from being responsible for their actions, business leaders are also responsible for the behavior and actions of their team members and employees. As Richard Ghilarducci says, there can be times when conflicts arise within the workplace, and if unchecked these disagreements may even derail the productivity and profitability of the organization.

Richard Ghilarducci highlights a few conflict management and resolution skills needed by business leaders

Business success requires clear communication and competent teamwork. When leading a team, one has to make sure that all its members work together seamlessly. In case any disagreements arise between the members, it would be the responsibility of the leader to get the matter resolved. An organization often has employees with varying backgrounds and personalities. To ensure business productivity, leaders must recognize potential conflicts between individual team members and develop conflict resolution strategies.

Here are a few conflict management and resolution skills needed by business leaders:

  • Proactive communication: To minimize confusion and uncertainty, business leaders must clearly communicate their intentions and preferences not only to individual employees but to all stakeholders. They should engage with colleagues to understand their requirements for optimal performance, and strive to fulfill those needs. If there are indications of conflict among team members, it is crucial for a leader to address the issue promptly. After all, unresolved problems tend to persist. Neglecting to take timely action upon identifying potential issues can lead to more significant challenges in the future.
  • Active listening: Active listening is an important skill for conflict resolution. It involves listening to what is communicated verbally and nonverbally. In many cases, conflicts take place because two parties mishear or misunderstand what the other person is saying. Business leaders must know how to manage conflict as well as realize that active listening helps ensure that the sender and receiver understand one another. This can help in moving towards a resolution easily.
  • Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence implies to the capacity to control manage and perceive emotions. Understanding, expressing, and effectively handling emotions is critical for conflict resolution. It helps in improving communication and relationships, on the whole.
  • Problem solving: The ability to solve problems is essential for leaders or individuals dealing with conflicts, as it involves identifying and addressing the underlying causes by exploring various solutions. Leaders can utilize either the five problem-solving steps or five conflict management styles for resolving conflicts effectively: identify the problem, brainstorm potential solutions, evaluate the proposed solutions, select the best solution; and ultimately, implement the chosen solution.

As Richard Ghilarducci says, in addition to the skills mentioned above, a leader must also be a good negotiator. Negotiation involves attempting to find a mutually acceptable agreement between multiple parties. It is often employed to settle disputes and resolve conflicts, making it a crucial aspect of conflict resolution. Negotiation skills are something that can be developed through learning and practice, and they are applicable in diverse situations. Therefore, possessing effective negotiation skills is essential for leaders to achieve favorable outcomes in varied scenarios.